Geographia Technica, Vol 11, Issue no. 2/2016, pp. 61-68


František KRIŽAN, Matej PAŠKO, Kristína BILKOVÁ, Peter BARLÍK, Pavol KITA

DOI: 10.21163/GT_2016.112.06

ABSTRACT: The aim of the paper is quantification of shopping centers' attractiveness in the territory of Bratislava city. Attractiveness can be measured in many ways. In this contribution, index of attractiveness, expressing the share of an individual shopping center's attractiveness out of all shopping centers in the city, has been applied. Two variants of this index (both mutually compared) have been used in the paper. Results of our analyses show heterogeneity of shopping centers' attractiveness in Bratislava. The most attractive shopping center is at least 20 times more desirable than the least one. Three most attractive shopping centers represent more than 50% of the total shopping centers' attractiveness.

Keywords: Shopping centers, Index of attractiveness, Bratislava, Slovakia.

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