Geographia Technica, Special Issue 2010, pp. 96 - 103


Carlos Osvaldo NELSON

ABSTRACT: This article presents the different mountain chains that exist in Argentina. Then taking the most important of these, “Cordillera de los Andes”, and dividing the country into regions, a brief description, mentioning the highest peaks in each of them. Then, the different types of mountain cartography and the most important cartographic national agencies and privates companies that are dedicated to make cartography on the mountain areas, making a description the main characteristics of its cartographic products, especially how is represented the relief. Also we can see in which format there are available products. There are some pictures of different mountain cartographies and in them you can see the differences and similarities between them. We present the problems that currently have the NGI, the last changes and future projects. Accompanies this article an Argentina’s map with the cartographic coverage on 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 scales and in what format are they available. Finally, a list of email addresses and Website addresses of each of these companies and cartographic agencies.

Keywords: Mountain, cartography, cartographic agencies, maps.

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