Special Issue 2020
Geographia Technica, Special Issue 2020
A special Issue On Physical and Technical Geography Issues in Urbanism
2020 International Conference on Urban Sustainability, Environment, and Engineering (CUSME 2020)
Bali, Indonesia, 20-21 January 2020
The development of sustainable urban is a necessity where megatrends 2030 triggered by the Industrial Revolution 4.0 estimates urbanization will increase sharply, especially in Asia. City authorities must make appropriate policy choices to protect the provision of equitable housing, health, and transportation services in the future. If the authorities fail to provide services on the policy and regulations, it would clearly endanger the long-term environmental and could threaten economic productivity. [... Full introduction here ]
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The Linkage of Effect Climate Change for Determining Design Flood of Tenggang River Page 3-12 Marelianda AL DIANTY, Rizka ARBANINGRUM, Frederik Josep PUTUHENA
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Spatial Analysis Approach Related to the Relationship Between Proximity and Security Perception in Encouragement of Public Space Park Use: the Case Study of Kalbu Palem Park (Bandung, Indonesia) Page 13-22 Malik ANDY, Akbar ROOS, Maryati SRI, Indradjati PETRUS
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Identification of Transitional Space and Activity Space on Linear Urban Space (Case Study: Di. Panjaitan Street And Kh. Ali Maksum Street) Page 23-32 Ani Hastuti ARTHASARI, Rhisa Aidilla SUPRAPTO
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Analysis of Land Erosion Due to Mining of Clay Material in Sidorejo Village, Sleman District, Yogyakarta Page 33-41 Delia Ximenes Amaral BELO, Rika ERNAWATI, Tedy Agung CAHYADI, NURKHAMIM, Nur Ali AMRI
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Microclimate Models to Predict The Contribution of Facade Materials to the Canopy Layer Heat Island in Hot-Humid Areas Page 42-52 Floriberta BINARTI, Pranowo PRANOWO, Soesilo B. LEKSONO
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Association Between Thermal Comfort Condition and Worshippers’ Satisfaction in Timber And Concrete of Suburban Religious Buildings Page 53-63 Fadhlizil Fariz ABDUL MUNIR, Asniza Hamimi ABDUL THARIM, Asmalia CHE AHMAD, Nur’Ain ISMAIL, Noraidawati JAAFAR
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Analysis of Groundwater Vulnerability in Coal Mining at Tanah Laut District, South Kalimantan Page 64-73 Shenny LINGGASARI, Tedy Agung CAHYADI, Rika ERNAWATI, Ayu UTAMI
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Assessment on the Reuse and Recycling of Domestic Solid Waste in Malaysia Page 74-82 Siti Akhtar MAHAYUDDIN, Noor Rizallinda ISHAK, Wan Akmal Zahri WAN ZAHARUDDIN, Jannatun Naemah ISMAM
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Determination of Landscape Aesthetic Value in Developing Questionnaire Survey for Campus Planting Composition Page 83-92 Norizan MT AKHIR, Siti Rasidah MD SAKIP, Mohamed Yusoff ABBAS, Noriah OTHMAN
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Using GIS to Mapping Dissemination and Prediction of Population in Bandung City Page 93-102 MUNIR, Beta PARAMITA, Robby ANGGARA, Lala Septem RIZA, Wayan SUPARTA
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The Jakarta Tod Model Application for Typology of Middle Cities (Applied Research Design in Kupang City) Page 103-112 Kusa Bill Noni NOPE, Putu Alit SUTHANAYA, Dewa Made Priyantha WEDAGAMA, I. Nyoman Yudha ASTANA
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Automation of Drinking Water Treatment Systems in Rural Area Page 113-122 Eko NURSUBIYANTORO, ISMIANTI, Astrid Wahyu Adventri WIBOWO
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Preventing Climate Disasters in Peat Ecosystem Using Bio-Waste Materials for Canal Block Modules Page 123-132 RM RUSTAMAJI, NURHAYATI, Ivan SUJANA, Gusti HARDIANSYAH, RESDIANSYAH, Wayan SUPARTA
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Physical Properties Analysis of Environmentally Friendly Refrigerant on the Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient Page 133-142 Jeri Tangalajuk SIANG, Jeremias M. LEDA, Firdaus CHAIRUDDIN
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Optimal Schedule in Urban Transportation to Reduce the Passenger Crowded Area Page 143-150 Johannes Hamonangan SIREGAR, Mohamad Johan BUDIMAN, RESDIANSYAH
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The Environmental Thermal Comfort Analysis of Public Space in Jetayu Park, Pekalongan City Page 151-158 Rhisa Aidilla SUPRAPTO, Ani Hastuti ARTHASARI
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The Risks to Human Health and Environmental Impacts from Community E-Waste Separation Page 159-168 Pornnapa SUTAWONG, Det WATTANACHAIYINGCHAROEN, Norihiro ITSUBO, Kasemson SUVANNARAT
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Comparative Study of the Patterns and Characteristics Urban Morphology in the Old City, Case Study Road and Block Patterns Bengkulu And Singapore Page 169-181 Fitrianty WARDHANI, Samsul BAHRI