we accept manuscripts for issue 2/2024


The main criteria for accepting a manuscript for publication are: the degree of belonging to technical geography, the scientific quality of the research carried out and validated by the reviewers. We also appreciate the potential of the article to attract readers and to be cited in other scientific journals. A manuscript that does not meet the above criteria or that does not have the potential to be cited in other journals will not be accepted. (If you think that this journal aims to make money, then it is better not to submit to Geographia Technica, because we are interested in the quality of the journal).

Please understand that the purpose of the journal is to PROMOTE TECHNICAL GEOGRAPHY.


For submitting an article please consider the following:


1. It is mandatory for each author to have an ORCID account so that the published articles to be also accessible via ORCID. If you do not have an ORCID number you can generate one at https://orcid.org/signin. The ORCID account must remain open so that reviewers can assess the closeness between any author's scientific portfolio and the contents of the manuscript.


2. It is mandatory for each author to submit the institutional email address, yahoo addresses or similar are not accepted and the manuscript will be rejected without being reviewed.


3. It is compulsory to use our template and the agreed format presented in Guide for Authors


4. Before starting the submission and review process please send the manuscript to the  editorial-secretary@technicalgeography.org in order to check the adequacy of your paper to the purpose of GT. Please prepare the manuscript considering the appropriate place for figures and tables so that it should look as you would like to be published. You will receive an answer from the secretariat and if the answer is YES you can go to point 5.


5. Submit the article for the online review process by clicking the following link: gt.manuscriptmanager.net The manuscript must be loaded in separate parts to ensure double blind review: separate page for title and affiliation, separate file for abstract and list of key-words and separate file for manuscript without previous elements.


6. The corresponding author should notice all co-authors that they will be contacted automatically and that they must confirm in the manuscript manager system that they are or are not co-authors. 


Notice: it is mandatory to complete and sign the Agreement Letter, which can be downloaded from the Guide for Authors page, by all the authors.  The corresponding author must send the signed Agreement Letter to the editorial secretary either directly using the e-mail address or by uploading to the above platform.

Since we have received and published many manuscripts from authors who are in MSc or PhD program, for the moment we no longer accept such manuscripts.