Geographia Technica, Vol 9, Issue no. 2/2014, pp. 85-97



ABSTRACT: We can state, that transportation market goes through its own blossom not only in the Czech Republic, but worldwide. Enterprises are still often forced to act quickly and deliver their goods as soon as possible, because the market itself is changeable and get back lost position is very difficult. To ensure enough of goods sophisticated hubs are established and several private logistics centres have been build. The situation concerning public logistics centres is little bit worse. Thus a big challenge has arisen. According to Transportation policy another means of transport then road transport is supported, but actually we must realize that existing roads network is still very important and cannot be forgotten. Regional authority of the Region Vysočina has decided to build a public logistics centre. With respect to given limits and requirements three basic models (Boolean, WLC and OWA model) based on spatial decision making methods were developed. Subsequently each model was tested and examined from usefulness, factors trade-off and area capacity and availability point of view. For data processing Idrisi and ArcGIS for Desktop software were used.

Keywords: Spatial decision making, Fuzzy standardization, Logistics centres, OWA, WLC

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